Learn the essential travel phrases to visit Paris and to handle practical situations in France
This French course for traveling in Paris will help you knowing French to interact with the locals
In the French course for beginners in Paris, you will learn how to greet the people you meet, how to introduce yourself, how to be courteous, how to order a drink / a meal and ask for the bill, how to book a table at a restaurant or a room in a hotel and how to ask for directions while visiting a town and more. The French course for beginners in Paris will open many doors and often be the key to having an absolutely unforgettable time on your holiday in France.
During this course you will also learn about French people, their culture, way of life, habits and customs, the different regions of France and their individual cuisines and receive many extremely useful hints and tips for your trip.
Learn the essential French vocabulary to travel and handle practical situations in France through the French course for beginners in Paris
Essential vocabulary
Où se trouve… / Où est… ? Where is…?
Je voudrais… I would like…
Combien coûte… ? How much does … cost?
Je ne peux pas trouver… I can’t find….
Je suis perdu. I’m lost.
Pouvez-vous m’aider ? Can you help me?
Au secours !
Aidez-moi ! Help!
information touristique tourist information
la douane customs
le passeport passport
la carte map
Attention ! Watch out!
ouvert / fermé open / closed
interdit forbidden
défense d’entrer do not enter
hors service / en panne out of service
Bon voyage ! Have a good trip!

Here’s some typical dialogue that shows how to ask for and give directions in French:
Julie:Où est l’hôtel?(Where is the hotel?)
Jean Paul: L’hôtel est à côté de la gare. (The hotel is next to the train station.)
Julie: Dans quelle rue se trouve le cinéma? (What street is the movie theater on?)
Jean Paul: Le cinéma est à votre droite. (The movie theater is on your right.)
Julie: Est-ce que l’école est loin d’ici? (Is the school far from here?)
Jean Paul: L’école est au centre de la ville. Allez tout droit et vous le trouverez. (The school is in the center of town. Go straight and you’ll find it.)
Julie: Comment est-ce que je vais au musée? (How do I get to the museum?)
Jean Paul: Le musée est à peu près un kilomètre et demi d’ici. (The museum is about 1 kilometer and a half from here.)
Julie: Où est la banque la plus proche? (Where is the nearest bank?)
Jean Paul: Tournez à droite et c’est la première rue à votre gauche. (Turn right, and it’s the first street on your left.)
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