Maximize your success with our comprehensive TCF Exam Preparation Course in Paris or Online. This French program is designed to boost your level and confidence.

Why Take the TCF?
The TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) is an international language proficiency test and certification. It is for those language learners whose mothertongue is not French, and mainly for people who do not live in France
Employers and French universities generally use this test to certify the language levels of foreign applicants.
The test is administered by France Education International (FEI), which reports to the French Ministries of National Education, Higher Education, and Research. FEI was formerly known as CIEP (Centre International d’Études Pédagogiques).

What version of the TCF Test do I need to choose?
The TCF has different versions tailored to specific needs, including:
- TCF for the general public (TCF tout public)
- TCF ANF (for French nationality)
- TCF DAP (for admission to French higher education)
- TCF Québec (for Quebec immigration)
The classic TCF (general public) lasts 2 hours and 25 minutes. It’s a multiple-choice test. The difficulty increases as the exam evolves, the initial questions are A1 level and then move on to C1 level.
After passing the test, candidates who succeed at the exam receive a certificate level, which is valid for 2 years (contrary to the DELF, whose validity is permanent).
Whether you live in France or abroad, you need to take the test in a recognized TCF centre which will inform you on the dates of sessions; the registration procedure; the location of examinations; the fee. You can find the list of official French TCF exam centres on France Education International’s website.
How is the TCF structured?
The TCF test is composed of three mandatory sections:
- Oral comprehension. This section is used to assess the candidate’s ability to understand spoken French. The candidate listens to audio recordings of conversations in daily life contexts. He must then answer 29 questions in the form of multiple choice questions. This section lasts 25 minutes and is itself divided into 4 parts:
- part 1. Statements with an image, photo or drawing medium representing scenes from everyday life
- part 2. Minimal exchanges corresponding to real-life situations
- part 3. Mini-conversations (two or three exchanges)
- part 4: Oral presentations and radio documents
- Mastering the structure of the language. In this part, the candidate is assessed on his syntactic abilities through questions relating to grammar, syntax, word order, and vocabulary. Overall, the test lasts 15 minutes and includes 18 questions in the form of multiple choice questions
- Written comprehension. The aim of this part is to assess the candidate’s ability to understand familiar names, very simple words and sentences, but also short articles and literary texts. This means reading and understanding various texts from the French speaking culture, and then answering 29 questions in the form of a multiple choice questions. This test lasts 45 minutes.
Then, you may also have to complete the 2 additional parts of the test:
- Oral expression. This is a maximum 12-minute face-to-face interview with an examiner. This section is divided into 3 tasks:
- First task. A directed interview which lasts 2 minutes (without preparation). The candidate is rated on his ability to spontaneously exchange in French with a person he does not know
- Second task. An interaction which lasts 5 minute and a half with the examiner (with 2 minutes of preparation). The candidate is assessed on his ability to obtain information in a daily life situation
- Third task. expressing viewpoint without preparation (4 ½ minutes oral). The candidate must demonstrate the ability to speak spontaneously, fluently and in a convincing manner
- Written expression. This test lasts 60 minutes and is divided into 3 tasks
- First task. Description, story or explanation written in 60 to 120 words
- Second task. Write an article, a letter or a note in the form of an experience report or a story. 120 to 150 words expected
- Third task. Write two small comparative texts of 90 words maximum, explaining two viewpoints related to a fact of society
What score do I need to obtain?
The TCF is scored out of 699. The final grade obtained corresponds to the average of the scores obtained in each part. These are also scored on 699
You can’t really fail the TCF. This test assesses the linguistic level of the candidate at the time of taking the exam. The number of points obtained then equals a certain level of skill. Depending on your goal, the number of points obtained at the TCF must be more or less significant.
Here are the equivalences between TCF scores and levels established by the CECRL :

- 100 to 199 points : A1 level (beginner)
- 200 to 299 points : A2 level (elementary)
- 300 to 399 points : B1 level (intermediate)
- 400 to 499 points : B2 level (advanced intermediate)
- 500 to 599 points : C1 level (upper)
- 600 to 699 points : C2 level (upper advanced)
There is no good or bad score at the TCF test. It all depends on your goal. For example, if you wish to study in a French university, the score requested is at least 400, generally speaking. This score corresponds to the B2 level of the CEFR.
If you take the TCF-ANF to obtain French citizenship, you will then be asked for a B1 level.
Why Choose Caroline’s TCF Exam Preparation Course in Paris or Online?
To get a good TCF score, it’s important to prepare several weeks in advance

With Caroline’s TCF French Exam Preparation in Paris or online you not only revise your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in French. But the idea is also to be more comfortable with the TCF format, requirements and exercises while learning to manage your time. A preparation will allow you to be more efficient and relaxed on D-Day.
Thanks to Caroline’s TCF Preparation Course in Paris or Online, you will be able to anticipate certain answers, avoid traps and save time. You will receive a comprehensive preparation including mock examinations or past papers, corrected exercises, and exam tips.