The Most Effective French Phonetic Exercises to Perfect your Pronunciation

Improve your oral expression through French phonetic exercises

In the early stages of the French conversation class, learning the sounds of phonetics will help you pronounce words and sentences accurately and fluently

Knowing the French prononciation rules will also boost your confidence in conversation and help you communicate easily in French. Once you’ve held a real conversation in French, you’ll be excited and motivated to do it more frequently. As a French language tutor in Paris & online, I’d like to share with you my favorite websites for French pronunciation practice.

Online French speaking classes - French phonetic exercises online

  1. The Phonetique website 

Foundations of French prononciation

This is a great online tool that offers free French phonetic exercises to improve your French pronunciation. It is aimed at all learners of French as a foreign language, but it can also be used by francophones themselves. On this website, you’ll be able to hear all the sounds of the French alphabet and those of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

You will also find exercises to learn how to distinguish between sounds, as well as games to help you practice the sounds of the French language.

In the “Alphabet” section, you will find a presentation of the French alphabet and the International Phonetic Alphabet. This section of the website will also help you learn French with phonetic exercises. The “Phonemes” section offers exercises to help you recognise and distinguish between the different vowel sounds, consonants and semi-vowels. The  “Other” section offers exercises to learn French intonation and liaisons. Finally, in the “Tongue twisters” section, you will find fun pronunciation exercises to help you improve your oral expression.

  1. Prononciation Tripod

This website is ideal for beginning French students. It allows you to work on the foundations of French pronunciation, such as the alphabet, mute letters at the end of the words (silent e and plurals), linking sounds (liaisons). It also contains specific phonetic exercises (articulation, sound discrimination and identification, spelling, rythm, etc. Some of the explanations are in Spanish.

  1. French Starters (Hong Kong University)

French pronunciation classes in ParisThe objective of this series of ten lessons is to provide a concise introduction to the sound system of French and the main features that characterize its pronunciation.

Beginners in French will find these lessons particularly helpful, as they will be led through a number of problem areas that usually cause learners the greatest difficulties. Hopefully, French learners at a more advanced stage will also benefit from these pronunciation tutorials.

  1. Français Interactif, Online French Textbook (Austin University)

The phonetics section introduces systematically and accessibly essential aspects of French pronunciation. For example, you may listen to the sounds of the French alphabet here. Also, listening to discrimination exercises provides instant feedback. Another useful feature of this website is that each phonetics lesson contains a recap of previously learned vocabulary.

  1. French Dictation Practice (University of Padua)

This website is another great resource for French pronunciation practice online. It helps you work on your speaking skills by working in these small dictations in French. You’ll also find all the French phonetic sounds so that you can listen to them and learn how to pronounce them.

Want to practice with an experienced French tutor who can teach you pronunciation, common phrases and useful tips? Contact Caroline now to plan your French conversation classes in Paris.

you’ll benefit from the best french language course! Classes are taught in paris or online.

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