What are the Benefits of Online French Tutoring?

Having trouble learning French?

Perhaps you were really excited about taking a foreign language like French when the year began, but now learning it seems more challenging

If you’re having a hard time grasping the rules of French, it may be time to think about private online French tutoring for extra guidance and support

Private French Lessons and Online French Tutoring

One-on-one French Tutoring Online

French has been known and referred to as « The Language of Love » for many years. However, if you’re struggling, « love » might be the furthest word from your mind. Caroline’s private French classes online can help put the love back into this beautiful language, giving you a fresh insight into the language and a better understanding of complex phrases and how to properly use them. These online French courses via Skype involve one-on-one instruction, which will help you to focus on complex areas. They are held in a convivial and supportive atmosphere to enable prompt progress.


Become more confident in your language skills

French learning processEvidence has shown that:

• 98% of learners’ report making significant progress when engaged in regular tutoring sessions.

• Progress in one-on-one classes is generally four times faster than in the traditional classroom setting
• 91% of learners believe interaction and collaboration between the tutor and the learner was essential to learn effectively

Apply what you learn in practice

As a professional online French tutor, Caroline pride herself in helping the learners succeed, and lives for those Eureka moments when they just… get it right! She would love to have the opportunity to work with you and bring you to that place of complete understanding of linguistic and cultural points. If you’d like more information about Caroline’s private French lessons in Paris, contact her today!

Flexible times and online French lessons to fit in with your schedule

French language conversation classWhat makes The French Class in Paris – Caroline’s French tutoring company – successful is the ability to hold these sessions in the comfort of your home or office in Paris, at the times that are convenient for you. Caroline also provides online French lessons via Skype or Zoom if this is requested by the learners.

Why Have Online French Tutoring With Caroline?

  • Engaging French conversation classes. You’ll speak with real people about concrete situations.
  • You’ll learn with modern materials for adults, adapted to your current level and personal or professional needs.
  • You’ll practice your French with a certified and polyglot teacher with 11 years of experience and you’ll get concrete results.
  • You’ll build the confidence that you need, even if you are not bilingual.
  • You’ll create a routine that will allow you to continue improving and autonomously and independently after the course.

Interested in online French tutoring sessions? Contact Caroline to find out more about her private French classes.

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