Business French Classes in Paris

Personalized Business French Classes in Paris for Professionals

Make French your Business

La Défense, business district of Paris

Caroline’s business French classes in Paris are tailor-made to help executives, business travelers, and professionals in a wide range of fields (banking, industry, information technology, sales and marketing, etc.) enhance quickly their knowledge of the language for business purposes. It is aimed at students with French intermediate – B1 and B2 – and advanced levels – C1 and C2 – levels.

Learn business French in Paris with a personalized language course, and see a great improvement in your communication abilities!

Get more confidence in your communication skills

The business French course in Paris can help you prepare for an important presentation or meeting, conduct interviews or handle negotiations, improve your communication skills with French colleagues or clients (writing emails or reports, making a presentation, etc.). Also, you can prepare for official French language examinations related to business, such as the Diploma of Professional French of the Chamber of Commerce.

Become familiar with the French work culture

Learning business French in Paris, for professional purposes, will not only help you to get a job in France, but it will also help you flourish within your role and fit into a new company. The business French course in Paris is structured, personalized to your needs and objectives, and is adapted to develop technical vocabulary relevant to your professional field.

What is the CPF ?

The CPF – compte personnel de formation – (formerly known as DIF) came into effect on 1st January 2015 to finance training for all salaried employees in the private sector. CPF funding makes it possible for employees to select and finance the training course of their choice.  

The account is linked to an individual, not a company. Each employee receives an annual budget of €500, cumulative over time up to €5 000. Professionals can select and purchase training courses, using the MonCompteFormation website or application.

How to use the CPF to fund your Business French classes in Paris

Business French Course in Paris - French Classes in Paris for professionals

It is up to you to take the initiative, with the agreement of your employer, to ask for business French lessons in Paris.

  • Contact the Human Resources Department or a responsible person for Further Education in your company.
  • Ask how many CPF hours you can have to fund your Business French course in Paris.
  • Write down the contact details of your personnel department and transfer them to Caroline.
  • We are going to meet you to take a test (and interview) to assess your level and to offer you a French course for professionals in Paris that matches your needs and work schedule. We will send a cost estimate and the program of your French language classes.

Interested in a Business French Language Course?
Contact Caroline now to schedule an initial encounter.

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